Sunday, January 12, 2014


MODULE TITLE                             :     Driving NCII

MODULE DESCRIPTOR                 :     This training module is based on the principle of safety on the road for pedestrians and vehicle passengers of the TESDA training regulation on Driving NC II. The United Nations declare 2011 to 2020 as the Decade of Action for Road Safety which was launch on May 11, 2011.
                                                            It is intent of the Action for Skills Knowledge Education and Wellness Center Corp to contribute to the development utilizing the TESDA program on Driving NCII with the Basic, Common and Core Competencies.
                                                            It is important that a trainee undergo the cognitive processes through the use of cell phones and internet. The affective process is done through visits at police stations, hospital and funeral parlors for a learner to feel the need for road safety. It is said that a driver on the road driving a four wheeled motor vehicle can do more potential damage to a gun holder.
                                                            This module shall ensure that a driver shall perform the psychomotor phase of the training through direct observation and questioning.

                                                            The institutional assessment shall be done in various venues as part of the design on supervised work-based training. The training shall likewise use the computers and multi-media with the intent of clarifying and inculcating safety in driving a four wheeled motor vehicle.

LO2.     Perform Common competencies

  1. apply sealant and adhesive to glass and plastic parts
  2. move and position vehicle
  3. calculate mileage of a volume of gas
  4. Read and interpret vehicle manual on oil use, greasing, tire rotation
  5. Perform battery change, brake fluid and change light bulbs

1.      Types of sealants, adhesives, coolant and fluids
2.      Types of fuel gas and different octane ratings
3.      Car manual data

4.      Battery life and different types, to starting and lighting system

A discussion and practice calculations shall be part of the learning process. Each participant are provided with materials to do calculations and analysis.